Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Grid

As the semester draws to an end, so too does this project.  PM gave us notice that this would be the last week we work on our sites.  I'm a little sad to see it be over, there have been some really neat ideas, awesome designs, and creative solutions.  It was fun to see what everyone else was doing from week to week.  Plus, have multiple people working on the same problem made the project a whole lot less stressful.  It took away a lot of the burden and mediocrity of what otherwise would have been a belly flop into a sea of endless divs . 

My goals for the last week were to finish cleaning up the site (the energy, prizes, & activities pages).  I also wanted to integrate Elton's Epic Grid.  I'll simply point to Elton's blog, and leave it up to the reader to educate themselves.  Elton's Grid is pretty slick.  At the last meeting, Elton pulls out his phone, brings up his Grid, and the group is wowed.  He pulled it off.  He made a hulking 9X12 interactive grid fit on a mobile screen. 

So of course I had to beat him... of course.  But the fact is, I can't.  Elton did a bang up job, the only small thing I could add was to fix a small issue where the title boxes for each row overflowed.  I did so by rotating the titles sideways, and elongating the divs.  The result is that the gird fits nicely on a 290px wide screen, which is just about any phone screen in portrait mode. 

Desktop View
Mobile view

1 comment:

  1. Haha thanks for the shout-out, but I think you did beat my design. I like your color scheme a lot, and the titles facing vertical was really slick. Awesome job :)
